
Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday Scrabble

I played a six hour game of interrupted Scrabble with Josh on Sunday.  He beat me.  Jerk.

He made Cinnamon Rollups,  set out fruit, prosciutto, and cheese and made a big ol' cup of coffee for us girls.  His house is full of his art, reclaimed and reworked furniture, plaster and exposed brick... you can see his hand in the whole place.  It was so comfortable and cozy.  We went for brunch and stayed until 4.  Crazy right?

The Girl played his guitar, coloured in his sketch book, and rearranged his photographs.  Josh never once looked alarmed.  He's so perfect... other than that broken baby maker.  Seriously, by the end of the day, The Girl was hanging over his legs hanging out.  And she hates people.  He also has a dog and a bearded dragon, both of which were a total hit with the kid... like "trade slobber with the dog and squish her nose to the glass of the tank constantly" hit.  Josh laid out on the floor on his belly to sketch her a greeting card quality Santa.  I'm not going to lie - watching his reaction and delight in her made my ovaries cramp.

But, I wasn't looking for a sitter.  All that is marvelous, but what did I really think of him? 

He's got a great story telling bone, he's terrible thoughtful, a good host and homemaker,  his smile is quick and open, and his bum.  Oh my.  I can't believe I didn't get caught looking at it.  He flushes when he talks about the "why" he does stuff.  That makes me melty. 

Ouch, there goes my womb.


  1. Ohhhh, MY insides are melting. Maybe not my ovaries cramping, but melty. He sounds like a favourite part is that Girly was so easily accepting of him...that says a lot about a person (in my experience).

    Can't wait to hear more...and I know there's more! :)

  2. womb, schwomb....maybe time to rethink a 2nd? OK, maybe time to just see where it goes and see what sacrifice you are willing to make-or not make

  3. He sounds wonderful, but refuse to get all melty, keep your head about you and remember they often seem "perfect" the first little while. As for the broken baby maker, that would not be a deal breaker for me, if he turns out to be someone you can spend your life with HAPPILY...then you'll both love The Girl and live happily ever after...

  4. Sigh.... Oh how I love Josh, let me count the ways...

  5. he sounds fantastic!!!! best of luck pretty lady.

  6. So when's the next date??

  7. swoon! He sounds'dreamy'.

    You should sneak us an ass shot? give us ladies something to drool over too. :P LOL

  8. He sounds amazing. But he doesn't want to have more kids. And you do. If he's as amazing as he sounds, if I were you, I'd make a final decision now (I hear The Angry MILF about seeing where it goes, but OMG the devestation if where it goes is to falling in love land and THEN you realize the no more kids is a dealbreaker. Ack.). But that's just me. I know I want more kids so, for me, it would be an immediate dealbreaker. There are hot, baby-wanting butts out there waiting for you.

    However, it sounds like a WONDERFUL afternoon :).

  9. He sounds awesome! I've had enough bad fix-ups recently to be super jealous! ;-)
